Event - Comic Con Antwerp 2022
Some links first and then a few words of wisdom? There will be several sample images in this post as the processing advances. Once finished ALL the pictures can be found here on Flickr . For updates of the progress & next events you can check the Facebook page . Some videoreels will follow on Clapper and Instagram . Clapper video 1 - The pink lifestyle Clapper video 2 - Live by the Creed . Some thoughts on the event? First of all we only spent a few hours of Saturday afternoon on the fair. It's Maanrock and the combination of a crazy CFX-concert and the Versuz-stage on Friday made SaturDAY a bit shorter than expected. But this fair also coincided with the gigantic Gamescom & the always highly anticipated Viencon. Cosplayers had so much to chose from. Secondly I had said almost 10 years ago that I was tired of indoor anime mega-shopping-cons and had thus stopped visiting the likes of FACTS, MiA,.. until evil friends managed to convince me otherwise. . So the...