
Er worden posts getoond met het label drugs

Activism - Escape from reality

Drugs can most definately destroy you, your life and the lives of those close to you. Once in it's claws, escaping is harder than anyone can imagine. The craving for the next fix is the only focus in a junkie's life. Living for that one goal.. one that will inevitably lead to doom, destruction and death. Still: don't blindly judge a person simply because they need drugs to get through life. This person might very well be your friend, your lover, your parent, your sibling, your child or even yourself. So ask yourself what drives a person towards this doomed Escape from Reality. Thanks to model Kristof for investing so much time to my crazy ideas.  Larger version can be found on Flickr  

Activism - Medicine can become a drug

How many people are hopelessly addicted to prescription drugs? In the USA specialist estimate that up to 18 million people are addicted to prescription medication. States will often not tackle this issue due to the enormous economic and the important healthcare impact of the pharmaceutical industry. More from this shoot on Flickr . Read more: (Dutch) Brijder WatWat (English) WebMD Michael's House Healthline Mayoclinic