
Er worden posts getoond met het label belgian airforce days

Event - Belgian Airforce Days

As you might know: Sanicole 2022 was the first event I shot some airshow stills and it was while working at the Sony booth. Actually it was good fun, not só very different from the fast cars I shot over 15 years ago.. and the cameras have advanced quite a bit since then. Since the airshows in Limburg (BE) alternate between the airbases of Sanicole & Kleine-Brogel, this year we were invited to the military airbase of Kleine-Brogel with a booth during the Belgian Airforce Days. . . Yes, those BAF-Days were during the heatwave of early September and now it's the last week of November.. and I still have almost 200 selected stills to process. Maybe that tells you something about the workload of these last months and of the prioritization. . And that's too bad because it was a great event to work  ( Eventhough I could hardly stand on my foot due to a tear in the ankle ligament which hurt as much as this spit that's haunting me at the moment.. Decades of pushing your o...