
Er worden posts getoond met het label festival

Event - All Shankra 2019 images are online

If you click here .. somewhere around here .. or maybe here .. you'll find the +1400 pictures made during Shankra festival 2019.  If you use them on your socials, please use either my Instagram , my FB , my Flickr , or this page as credit.  Namaste, Red Cathedral. Video from Shankra festival 2017

Event - Fire show on Shankra festival

During Shankra festival i shot one of the best fire shows in a very long time by: Haury Thomas, Barbara Wildmann, the Purple Pixies & the Earth Dragons. The photos are on Flickr.

Event - Shankra festival photo upload has started

Shankra festival has uploaded the images they selected to their website, so now i can start uploading the complete batch of images to my Flickr album " Switserland " . It will take a few days before everything is online so.. be patient. Meanwhile you can also watch a small video from the 2017-edition or enjoy the pictures from the 2017 Shankra festival. Namaste & click here .