
Er worden posts getoond met het label music

Event - Castlefest 2023

Elfia 2023 : rain. Fotofair 2023 : heatwave. El Mundo Fantasia 2023 : heatwave. Castlefest 2023 : rain. Seeing a pattern? In recent visits to the Netherlands the weather has been rather unwelcoming.. Luckily the volunteers, the visitors, the creatures & the inhabitants of Castlefest are a véry welcoming crowd of wandering ( may I say: festive ) souls. There needs to be some balance, right? . Admittedly, on Sunday there was less rain, less super-hard rainshowers and less stormwind than previously announced and as in other parts of this region of Europe ( as I noticed when retuning to Belgium ). And a few times the sun even peeked out of the clouds for a moment. Still; it had been raining for weeks without end so there was only so much much the organisation could do in lands which are 5m below the sea surface.  . It was wet: RUBBERBOOTS!   There was rain: PONCHOS! The crew I strolled around with were suffering excruciating pain: PLENTY OF PITSTOPS! The mead was selling out q

Collab - Melanie Martinez' Portals

There seems to be a misunderstanding about the concept of a Signature Style . Many artists & creatives have one. Yet unlinke what people think, a truly free creative mind doesn't limit itself to making only things that fit within the limits of this signature style. No, that's something social media influencers do.  Viewers will know something has been made by a certain artist when they recognize a certain signature style, but any artist can make thousands of works that have a different footprint and be just as happy with these works. Breaking your own rules and colouring outside of the lines of the square are forms of creative escape.. of rebirth. Some artists even go so far as breaking with their signature style and building themselves up again from the ground. David Bowie is a prime example. He re-invented himself over and over like a creative chameleon. . Last month another artist also shedded their skin. My attention got caught by a strong branding campaign of

Collab - The JeliSisters

While everybody was at FACTS convention, we hosted a photo workshop for Sony in Luxemburg with 2 very talented musicians: the JenliSisters .  . Entrancing Celtic music with harp & violin. Look them up on Youtube or even better go watch them live this Easter weekend on the Trolls-et-Légendes renaissance fair ( Impressions from l ast year's edition ). A short video made during the workshop: On Clapper for the US/UK followers On Youtube as a 4k short On Instagram ( alas no 4k support here ) Dit bericht op Instagram bekijken Een bericht gedeeld door Red Cathedral (@redcathedral) More photos are on Flickr "Why not try to create a widget to show my Youtube shorts ?" I thought one evening: