
Er worden posts getoond met het label music

Event - Off Track Tongeren

Ook in Tongeren wonen er mensen met een goede muzieksmaak. Uiteraard is " goed " extreem subjectief en steevast hetgeen je zelf graag hoort. Net iets alternatiever in mijn geval .  Iedere zomer heeft Tongeren het Stadsmuzikantenfestival . Singer-songwriters, dus softer, maar wel verbazend vaak net-iets-alternatievere bands die me een fijne namiddag bezorgen. Op de grote markt zijn soms optredens, maar in de afgelopen 5 jaar had ik er slechts eentje meegepikt dat voor mij in de juiste richting zat. ( Een jonge coverband trouwens ). Net zoals de South of Heaven in Bilzen is er ook een metal café in Tongeren, de Pumpkes , waar je al eens een metalband live kan zien. En nee; helaas geen pagan-viking sounds . ( Gelukkig passeert PaganFest volgende maand in Liège .) Wat er echter volledig ontbrak in Tongeren was underground rock. Noise met snelle guitaren. Garagerock, punk, hardcore, stoner, .. Gelukkig ontdekte ik dit najaar Off Track , een vzw die zulke underground optre...

Event - Castlefest 2024

We were so scared! Scared it would rain.. Being wet all day isn't fun. Having the car getting stuck in a drowned parking meadow is not optimal. Getting the cameras soaked is really bad.. but the worst about rain is the mud & puddles that make everything impassable with a wheelchair However there was no need to be scared: Castlefest had some nice Sunday Summer weather! And that wasn't the only nice thing. But let's start with a few links: ▷ All photos can always be found on/downloaded from my Flickr and here ! ▷ A " How to download stills from Flickr " tutorial was posted here . ▷ Some highlights might go to Clapper & to Instagram or even Threads . ▷ Buy Red Cathedral a whisky on Ko-Fi ▷ Updates are on THE Facebook . ▷ Give a follow to this young creative foundation: Deep Red Noise vzw/asbl who will soon bring you #TheRed360 (incl. a new Tiktok account ) The full gallery (Click on the arrows on the side to scroll) :   UPDATE : 100% is ed...

Event - Stadsmuzikantenfestival & MoMent

Hey, don't you wanna know how I've been since I left you behind? (sic ISE) Only last year, in 2023, I discovered there was a music festival in Tongeren. Several bands on the list like were frequently played on the alternative radio station I listen to ( Willy Radio ). On top of that it was held in several locations scattered throughout the medieval beguinage. So I had to shoot it.. at least once..  I went for Isbells & Johannes is zijn naam . I discovered Echo Beatty , Roufaida & the fun of Lupagangang . Got Iron Maiden-beer & ice-cream to cool off. It was a good day.. so let's if 2024 can be as good. Let's provide you with a few links: ▷ All photos can always be found on/downloaded from my Flickr and here ! ▷ A " How to download stills from Flickr " tutorial was posted here . ▷ Updates are on THE Facebook . ▷ Buy Red Cathedral a whisky on Ko-Fi ▷ I'll try to post something to Clapper , Instagram & on Threads . ▷ Give a fo...

Event - Ciao Tongeren (2024)

Since I was still processing the images from the O-Parade , I really did not go to Ciao Tongeren to make photos. I did however take the tiny Sony FX3 cinema camera because I had to test a reported audio-issue.. if I had the time, because my focus would lie 100% on enjoying nice wine and tasty food. Normally all music during this event is: old Italian chanson. But what did I suddenly hear while having a limoncello at Ambishop? Music to my taste? Rock à la Willy Radio ? The concrete minds ! A bunch of promising young hounds with the rock 'n roll attitude of old wolves playing gritty hits at The Pub.. I always say: support you local artists . So I had to make a few shots. Luckily this FX3 cinema camera also shoots stills. And luckily The Pub served some rather decent wine to make me even happier. A short video of the band performing: on Clapper To the people who posed for the camera at Buonissimo & Olio Vino: the images are in the gallery.. and the fruity rosé was delicious! ...

Event - Castlefest 2023

Elfia 2023 : rain. Fotofair 2023 : heatwave. El Mundo Fantasia 2023 : heatwave. Castlefest 2023 : rain. Seeing a pattern? In recent visits to the Netherlands the weather has been rather unwelcoming.. Luckily the volunteers, the visitors, the creatures & the inhabitants of Castlefest are a véry welcoming crowd of wandering ( may I say: festive ) souls. There needs to be some balance, right? . Admittedly, on Sunday there was less rain, less super-hard rainshowers and less stormwind than previously announced and as in other parts of this region of Europe ( as I noticed when retuning to Belgium ). And a few times the sun even peeked out of the clouds for a moment. Still; it had been raining for weeks without end so there was only so much much the organisation could do in lands which are 5m below the sea surface.  . It was wet: RUBBERBOOTS!   There was rain: PONCHOS! The crew I strolled around with were suffering excruciating pain: PLENTY OF PITSTOPS! The mead was sell...