
Er worden posts getoond met het label manga & cosplay festival

Event - Manga & cosplay festival 2022

Let's start with the links first and then some random thoughts? There will be several sample images added to this post as the processing advances. Once finished ALL the pictures can be found here on Flickr . For updates of the progress & next events you can check the Facebook page . Some videoreels will follow on Clapper and on Instagram . It was during a warm November month in the Osaka -region that I finally started appreciating Autumn and the warmth of it's colours .  This year the extreme drought is giving September the first hint of those same colours. A perfect opportunity to visit the famous Japanese garden of Hasselt and reminisce about those days in Nara with the deer strolling through the parks and streets.. except in Hasselt it weren't deer posing for the cameras but cosplayers.  Yes; this was my weekend number 5 in a row with a costume event. The last one of this series because next weekend the events for work start again ( The Sanicole Airshow is t...