
Er worden posts getoond met het label boudoir

Collab - Dryad fantasy boudoir

Sometimes models come with a boudoir proposition that both sparks my interest and comes at a moment where I have the time to execute it: fantasy boudoir with a Dryad and an Elf in a magical forest .. but softer than the work for The Dark Cathedral and non-nude. " OK, let's do it ," I nodded while already scrolling through my cramped agenda. Evidently I needed a location.. and a back-up location.. just in case . A magical meadow with wildflowers, tree-filtered light and surrounded by young treelings that I had spotted during a hike just days before seemed perfect. A Monday-shoot would ensure that few to no hikers would interfere. Evidently Murphy's law struck, as during the last check at the location a crew was mowing everything away. No worries, for there's a plan B: a bit further into the wild where I had previously done a barbarian shoot . Water, young green trees, awesome eventhough with less magical light. Last time a friendly park ranger had even pointed ...

Collab - Hearts & heels

Belgium is in a lock down due to the Covid-19 pandemic (the "Corona virus") and all my photo gear is far away.. so let's try to make something simple in a boudoirish style. Originally published on Flickr .