
Er worden posts getoond met het label a7cii

Sony tech - Menu walkthrough for A7CR, A7CII & A6700

What if a title says it all? I'll quickly stroll through the menu of each camera and explain why I choose certain settings. If you're new to the Sony system, if you just bought this camera and you want to set it up, you want to know what's inside the tiny beast or you wonder in general what certain functions/abbreviations mean: this might help you.. a bit. Sony released in 2023 4 compact body cameras of their 5th generation mirrorless system ( and announced 1 "normal" sized camera body ): ▷ The full frame A7C R ( 61MP / 10fps / 60fps 4k /AI AF)       Sample photo gallery / A Youtube video ( Including hardcoded "Engrish"/English subtitles because some people seem to find it hard to activate subtitles on Youtube and my voice is.. what it is.. ) ▷ The full frame A7C II ( 33MP / 10fps / 60fps 4k /AI AF )     Sample photo gallery / The Youtube video   ▷ The APS-C A6700 ( 26MP / 11fps / 4k 120fps / AI AF )      Sample...

Event - GLOW, the festival of lights (Eindhoven)

Normally I don't post much about the dayjob.. eventhough it's hardly only by day.. For this Sony video we dove into the night.. again. The 2nd time this week .. and it's only Wednesday. " The new A7CII camera is perfect for streetphotography ", Sony marketing said. So I invited someone with contagious enthousiasm, a very extravert style of streetphotography and an allround nice guy to GLOW, the festival of lights in Eindhoven.  . . We got lucky with the weather: it was the only dry evening of the week and by 9PM the terraces of the bars were so full you would think it was a Saturday evening in Summer instead of a November Wednesday. . With a filmcrew following his every move, it was not very easy to stealthily photograph people, so streetphotographer Brendan de Clercq changed his modus operandi and started using the contact he made with the people for street portraits instead of candid sniper portraits. . Quickly things got out of hand and entire ...