
Er worden posts getoond met het label indian summer

Collab - Draconius Blackheart

Once in a while you get of the highway because you need a loaf of bread, it's a great day of Indian Summer so you decide to take a quick look at the historic buildings you spotted because you still have to manage a webinar afterwards.. and BANG: you run into someone you haven't seen in over a decade and who's still juggling. So you take a few shots, right? Featuring: Draconius Blackheart ( without fire though ) More pictures are on Flickr as always A short video is on Clapper . A cut-in-2-halves Instagram Stories version of the video (Damm IG for cutting everything!)

Collab - Autumn portraits

No, I have not started hibernation. In fact I have made plenty of pictures.. eventhough I've had little time to process them so that's lagging. Been testing a pre-production Sony A7IV for over a month and today I bought one.. so yes, that happened. Let me entertain you with some Autumn portraits while I process more pictures, think of even more to make and film some tutorials for the A7IV.  . Yes plenty more images are waiting to get processed. And there is something video-ish on Clapper . More is on Flickr as always And then this happened.. standing on the organising side & the model's side & the director's side & the presenting side of a webinar. Too many hats to wear at once.. but so much fun to do. A small bonus for those crazies who scrolled till here?? .