
Er worden posts getoond met het label colab

Collab - Steampunk explorers of the Unknown

During the shooting day at the Verbeke Foundation last month I got a quick glimpse of this soon-to-be-married steampunk couple. And BAM here they are again! I blame it on Geert who keeps on bringing cosplayers & photographers together. I still had an explorer/haunted mansion/Cthulhu investigator-idea with a Lovecraftian vibe like the tabletop RPG's Call of Cthulu & Candela Obscure to shoot with them from last time at this location.. so I made this ▼ All photos are on Flickr ( UPDATE: everything has been uploaded ) A short video will go to Clapper & Instagram . Updates on how fast I advance in processing are on the Facebook page . Video 1 on Clapper: In the trenches of 1899 (= a slightly different version from the IG video) Video 2 on Clapper: Discoveries Video 3 on Clapper: A random encounter in Hell Some samples while waiting for me to finish work: . More samples featuring cosplayers Angelique & Richard: . Dit bericht op Instagram bekijken ...

Collab - The JeliSisters

While everybody was at FACTS convention, we hosted a photo workshop for Sony in Luxemburg with 2 very talented musicians: the JenliSisters .  . Entrancing Celtic music with harp & violin. Look them up on Youtube or even better go watch them live this Easter weekend on the Trolls-et-Légendes renaissance fair ( Impressions from l ast year's edition ). A short video made during the workshop: On Clapper for the US/UK followers On Youtube as a 4k short On Instagram ( alas no 4k support here ) Dit bericht op Instagram bekijken Een bericht gedeeld door Red Cathedral (@redcathedral) More photos are on Flickr "Why not try to create a widget to show my Youtube shorts ?" I thought one evening:

Collab - Verbeke Foundation Cosplay Day

Allow me to sum up the ingredients that made several outdoors costume events very enjoyable: No rain + casual strolls through a gorgeous location + drinks with nice people + casually making a photo of a splendid or funny or catchy constume + food + musical (re)discoveries + some more wine or mead The cosplay day at one of the strangest ( yet fascinating ) musea in Belgium had most of those ingredients in its recipe. So thank you Geert for putting this together. Before diving into some details: All 96 photos are now online + downloadable on Flickr Updates on my progress will be on Facebook A short video is NOW on Clapper & tomorrow on Instagram Below I'll post some sample images everytime I finish a batch. . . [Placeholder for remarks about the event] Actually more remarks for myself: ▶ Making a discovery tour of the grounds, finding great spots and then noticing everybody is staying in/near the greenhouse is silly.. but damn there are some great installations in the ...

Collab - Draconius Blackheart

Once in a while you get of the highway because you need a loaf of bread, it's a great day of Indian Summer so you decide to take a quick look at the historic buildings you spotted because you still have to manage a webinar afterwards.. and BANG: you run into someone you haven't seen in over a decade and who's still juggling. So you take a few shots, right? Featuring: Draconius Blackheart ( without fire though ) More pictures are on Flickr as always A short video is on Clapper . A cut-in-2-halves Instagram Stories version of the video (Damm IG for cutting everything!)