Collab - Verbeke Foundation Cosplay Day

Allow me to sum up the ingredients that made several outdoors costume events very enjoyable: No rain + casual strolls through a gorgeous location + drinks with nice people + casually making a photo of a splendid or funny or catchy constume + food + musical (re)discoveries + some more wine or mead

When you reach Walhalla, tell Odin I'm coming for him

The cosplay day at one of the strangest (yet fascinating) musea in Belgium had most of those ingredients in its recipe. So thank you Geert for putting this together.

Before diving into some details:
All 96 photos are now online + downloadable on Flickr
Updates on my progress will be on Facebook
A short video is NOW on Clapper & tomorrow on Instagram

One machine can do the work of 50 ordinary people. Not even 50 machines can do the work of one extraordinary person. (Elbert Hubbard)

Below I'll post some sample images everytime I finish a batch.

Wat is kunst? Wat is kunst? De rum in mijn hand, dat is kunst!.In Spring Life emerges from the grave

The Wars of the Roses (1455–1487).When all of Nature has been domesticated it will feed the engines of Steam


[Placeholder for remarks about the event]
Actually more remarks for myself:
▶ Making a discovery tour of the grounds, finding great spots and then noticing everybody is staying in/near the greenhouse is silly.. but damn there are some great installations in the park.
▶ Being actively absent from social media + being to introvert/asocial and to busy to chat & actively communicate has consequenses on days like these,
▶ Feeling the dire need to eat and the desire to have a wine often comes at the same time as superb costumes pass by and is painfully bad timing.. Multitasking issues? Wine + taking a photo = no probs, Food + taking a photo = growl.. I'm eating!
▶ There was this hour (or 2?) when I felt I had shot so few of the present cosplayers that I stopped looking for my kind of pictures. Suddenly I just wanted to shoot more & faster, in stead of looking for an inspiring spot, some interesting foreground and a strong pose.. Then I had a wine, relaxed again and got creative once more.

You'd better not mess with the Addams family.Hello. I'm The Doctor. Basically, Run.

The phantom of the opera steampunk style


In between processing these images I'll edit my new Sony tech video for Youtube, direct the filming of a training video, film a videoclip and host 2 photowalks in the zoo of Antwerpen.. by that time it should be sunday again. And to imagine it will only get busier in the April till July period. When am I going to find time to make some shortfilms???

This princess does the rescuing herself

More samples will follow soon.

Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan!

In the silkpunk world, the view of poetic technology is dominant..A world without Butterflies would be nothing but Doom and Gloom

Magic is just your word for all the things you and yours haven’t yet discovered (Mima in Carnival Row)

War Never Changes

A short behind the scenes-video is NOW on Clapper
And since the video was removed by Instagram after some complaint, Clapper will be the only place you can see it. (UPDATE: reposted it.. let's see if it remains online)

The book and the photogram are allies, not enemies.The undertakers will be your last visitors

The 5-cogs general.The incognito Dalmatian huntress

You might not see it, yet we all live inside cages.Not a Mad Hatter

I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie.If I was still a bloke, I could get on with the job and not have to waste time defending myself.

When you have a house-elf to hold your lights.. just don't offer him socks! - BTS by BiBiBieke

My world is all just shades of grey, Batman.I can’t explain what I mean. And even if I could, I’m not sure I’d feel like it. (J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye )

The photos above are some SAMPLES, the complete selection is NOW ON FLICKR

Exterminate, annihilate, DESTROY!

Namaste and till another event

The link to this article:

"Why not try to create a widget to show my Youtube shorts & Instagram Reels?" I thought one evening.. before realising you had to pay to make it work:

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