
Event - Geeks & Freaks 2025

Geeks & Freaks is a new brainchild from the team behind El Mundo Fantasia and loads of Halloween events. This is the 1st edition and I must admit that the foyer of MECC Maastricht is a nice location for an indoor avent. Since only 1 day has past and I haven't made a tour ( yet ), I'd better wait till Sunday evening to note down my remarks? Let's give you some useful links before you scroll down to the gallery: ▷ All photos can always be found on/downloaded from my Flickr and here ! ▷ A " How to download stills from Flickr " tutorial was posted here . ▷ Some highlights might go to Instagram , Threads or Bluesky . ▷ A video might go to Clapper & to Tiktok ▷ Buy Red Cathedral a whisky on Ko-Fi ▷ Updates are on THE Facebook . ▷ Give a follow to this young creative foundation: Deep Red Noise vzw/asbl and take a spin on #TheRed360 ( incl. a Tiktok account ) The full gallery (Click on the arrows on the side to scroll) :  Update : 100% of all s...

Event - Casanova Danst in Alden Biesen

Ook in 2025 organiseerde de Landcommanderij Alden Biesen een gemaskerd bal. Ditmaal stond de Soirée Masquée helemaal in het teken van Giacomo Casanova en de Rococo . Denk aan krullende pruiken, kniekousen, baljurken die bigger than life zijn en al die aandacht voor details waar de adel uit 1750 voor bekend stond. En geloof me vrij: sommige kostuums en looks waren adembenemend. Vooraleer door te scrollen naar de fotogalerij, eerst enkele nuttige links: ▷ Alle foto's zijn te vinden & te downloaden vanaf mijn Flickr en hier ! ▷ Een " How to download stills from Flickr " tutorial is hier te vinden . ▷ Enkele highlights komen mogelijk op Instagram , Threads of Bluesky . ▷ De video komt op Clapper & op Tiktok ▷ Trakteer Red Cathedral op een whisky op Ko-Fi ▷ Updates staan op THE Facebook . ▷ Fysieke prints bestellen tegen een democratische prijs kan op aanvraag via Oypo . ▷ Volg ook de jonge creatieve VZW: Deep Red Noise vzw/asbl   ( incl. een Tikt...

Event - Carnevale di Venezia in Bruges

Every February Bruges may officially name itself The Venice of the North for another reason than the Reien (= city canals ) & the bowbridges who vaguely resemble the sinking Italian city-state. For one day the masked elegance of the carnaval parade takes over the streets. Not a carnaval like it is usually celebrated in the Lowlands, but a Venetian style citywalk. Is it pretty to behold? Absolutely. On top of that, this year the weather changed into a bright sunny weekend after 14 months of gloom & rain. Even better! Still this might have been my last visit to the event because it has become simply too crowded with dozens of photographers, entire photoclubs & a tenfold thereof in pushy cellphonographers. So I shot only a few stills, am - as usual - only satisfied by a handful - but that's typically me - and had that crazy Geert not stopped me, I would have walked away after only 1/3rd of those shots. So yes, the introvert part of my abivert personality is getting...

Event - Off Track Tongeren

Ook in Tongeren wonen er mensen met een goede muzieksmaak. Uiteraard is " goed " extreem subjectief en steevast hetgeen je zelf graag hoort. Net iets alternatiever in mijn geval .  Iedere zomer heeft Tongeren het Stadsmuzikantenfestival . Singer-songwriters, dus softer, maar wel verbazend vaak net-iets-alternatievere bands die me een fijne namiddag bezorgen. Op de grote markt zijn soms optredens, maar in de afgelopen 5 jaar had ik er slechts eentje meegepikt dat voor mij in de juiste richting zat. ( Een jonge coverband trouwens ). Net zoals de South of Heaven in Bilzen is er ook een metal café in Tongeren, de Pumpkes , waar je al eens een metalband live kan zien. En nee; helaas geen pagan-viking sounds . ( Gelukkig passeert PaganFest volgende maand in Liège .) Wat er echter volledig ontbrak in Tongeren was underground rock. Noise met snelle guitaren. Garagerock, punk, hardcore, stoner, .. Gelukkig ontdekte ik dit najaar Off Track , een vzw die zulke underground optre...

Event - Uchronicité 2024

It is December. This means the Steampunks (les Vaporistes) of Belgium & the Northern half of France had their annual gathering in a small mining town near Mons: It was Uchronicité ! But 1st some useful links before you scroll down to the gallery: ▷ All photos can always be found on/downloaded from my Flickr and here ! ▷ A " How to download stills from Flickr " tutorial was posted here . ▷ Some highlights might go to Instagram , Threads or Bluesky . ▷ The video will go to Clapper & to Tiktok ▷ Buy Red Cathedral a whisky on Ko-Fi ▷ Updates are on THE Facebook . ▷ Give a follow to this young creative foundation: Deep Red Noise vzw/asbl and take a spin on #TheRed360 ( incl. a new Tiktok account ) The full gallery (Click on the arrows on the side to scroll) : ( Update: 100% from 2024 has been edited & uploaded )   My thoughts: Once I feel less tired.. but know that the cidre was excellent! UPDATE: I'm still exhausted and running around w...

Event - Geek Village Genk (2024)

A heads-up: on November 17th 2024 we'll be hosting a videobooth on Geek Village ( Thor Central, Genk ) in room 12 ( named Trovao ). It will be the 1st time we put the 360° videobooth on a fair.. so it's somewhere between in between scary & exciting. Since it's the 1st time and we have a full room at our disposal, we might set up a small photobooth aswel as a free bonus for our clients. Come visit us! Meanwhile you can look at some videos from #theRed360 on Instagram ( a few ) and on Tiktok ( loads! ) Have some links while you wait for everything to be edited: ▷ All photos can always be found on/downloaded from my Flickr and here ! ▷ A " How to download stills from Flickr " tutorial was posted here . ▷ Some highlights might go to Instagram or even Threads . ▷ The video will go to Clapper & to Tiktok ▷ Buy Red Cathedral a whisky on Ko-Fi ▷ Updates are on THE Facebook . ▷ Give a follow to this young creative foundation: Deep Red Noise vzw/asbl ...