Event - Kroningsfeesten Tongeren


Every 7 years over 10% of the population in the oldest city in Belgium participates in a week of reenactments, processions & after dark shows, all dedicated to the biblical Mary. (Background story) and they're aged between 89 years and 1 month old.

Announcing another angel at Kroningsfeesten in Tongeren

In 2023, for the 19th edition since 1890, there are over 3000 participants and they attracted 65000 spectators on the 1st day. 3 More days to go, I said after that 1st Sunday

You can just feel a symbiotic connection, some strange form of unity between the citizens. Yes, it's a religious evocation of biblical stories and many participate out of pure heartfelt beliefs, but it's also more than that. It trancends simple religious zealousness both as a spectacle and as a way to create bridges & forge bonds between the citizens.

Returning home with a souvenir

The final day still lured over 50000 visitors to the town (a day during which it was live-streamed ànd most events for that day were cancelled due to a code red storm warning) Very impressive and I can only imagine the exhaustion of the participants after 4 long procession walks, followed by 4 evening shows on the stage in front of the Basilica. On Monday Tongeren was a very silent city.

Singing hymns during Kroningsfeesten Tongeren

I moved here during the big lockdown, so it was my 1st time enjoying these festivities. And I have to say: it's impressive, even for someone with my belief system -Thaoism is the only belief system which sometimes manage to trigger me.. and that's a life-philosophie instead of religion.. since it lacks the presence of gods- so I'll do as I promised and try to enjoy as much as I can and participate in the way I roll: through images.

All photos are here on Flickr ( UPDATE: all processing is done)
At least 1 video goes to Instagram.
The other videos are for Clapper.
For updates & questions there's always Facebook.

Do you want a print from a photo: Via Oypo printing service
(or on PC/Mac: scroll down on this page)

(A tip: combine your orders to save on shipping costs)

Other events from Tongeren:
Carnaval Tongeren
Ciao Tongeren
Christmas in Tongeren
Straatmuzikantenfestival Tongeren (Soon, but I'm drowning in work)

01 The Romans on Clapper and on Youtube
02 Later

Some more samples while I continue working:

The Roman cohorts have returned to Tongeren, their 1st city in the Belgian region #kroningsfeesten.A live crusifixion during Kroningsfeesten in Tongeren

Kroningsfeesten Tongeren.The Basilica of Tongeren during the Kroningsfeesten

Symbolism at the Kroningsfeesten Tongeren
More will follow

Soothing the horse.Ultimate devotion

Kroningsfeesten Tongeren.Kroningsfeesten Tongeren

Tongeren, the city where Roman cohorts defend humanity from virgin-raiding angels

Kroningsfeesten Tongeren

Herders van Tongeren

Kroningsfeesten Tongeren

An angel is gathering his magical power for another fight with the Roman legions

Kroningsfeesten Tongeren


Link to this article: https://tinyurl.com/Kroning2023  

The Roman legions are ready to fight the angels.Kroningsfeesten Tongeren 2023

The burden of the cross.The believers

Namaste and till the 20th anniversary edition in 2030!

Here you can order prints:

A divine herald

Playing it one hand like a Boss

Tribunus angusticlavius.Blue eyes. Blue dress. Blue child.

Protect the flag

Kroningsfeesten Tongeren 2023

De andere 1150 foto's kunnen HIER gratis bekeken worden op Flickr

Kroningsfeesten Tongeren 2023

I just loved the unreal movement in this image.The silhouets at the cross

From an age when the Spanish kings ruled over these lands.Shadows in the clouds III/III

And the world and the world, the world drags me down (The cult)


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